Horses and Horse breeding
Horses that were usually used as working animals in earlier times now they have a permanent place in leisure and sports. The horse, being a highly developed mammal, is susceptible to all kinds of diseases and health disorders just like humans.  The modern perspective, according to which the horse is considered as "part of the family" but also a valuable asset, makes us consider the pecuniary value of the horse realistically and recognise the same.

Thus, for example, the family horse may also have a material value, which is often outweighed by the emotional value.

A breeding or racing horse, the most noble purpose for which a horse may be used, can represent a very high monetary value.

In both cases, the owners are concerned about not only keeping the horses in good health and thus ensuring their availability and readiness, but also making them healthier if possible.

Using a CyberTrone can not only restore and preserve the health of the animal, but also improve the performance without doping.

For example, the following disease patterns are readily available in the CyberTrone database:

Anämie - Andrologische Probleme - Anhidrose - Ataxie - Atypische Weidemyopathie - Bindehautentzündung - Blockade des ISG - Bornasche Krankheit - Borreliose - Botulismus - Cauda-Equina-Neuritis - Chips (OCD) - COB - Cushing-Syndrom - Dematophilose - Drosselvenenentzündung - Druse - Durchfall - EOTRH - Equine Sarkoide - Equine virale Ateritis - Fesselringband-Syndrom - Gallen - Gehirnerschütterung - Genickbeule - Glaukom - Gleichbeinlahmheit - Grass Sickness - Griffelbeinbruch - Gynäkologie - Haarausfall - Hahnentritt - Harnsteine - Hautpilz - Headshaking - Herpes - Herzrhythmusstörungen - Hitzeprobleme - Hornsäulen - Hufabszesse - Hufbeinbruch - Hufknorpelverknöcherung - Hufkrebs - Hufrehe - Hufrollenentzündung - Infektiöse Anämie - Influenza - Karies - Karpaltunnel-Syndrom - Katarakt - Kehlkopf-Leiden - Kieferfraktur - Kissing Spine - Kolik - Kreuzverschlag - Lebererkrankungen - Luftsackerkrankungen - Lungenbluten - Lungenentzündung - Magengeschwüre - Mauke - Maulhöhlen-Entzündung - Melanome - Metabolisches Syndrom - Milzerkrankungen - Mondblindheit (ERU) - Motoneuron-Krankheit - Muskelzerrungen - Nabelbruch - Nasenbluten - Nervenlähmung - Nesselfieber - Netzhauterkrankungen - Nierenentzündung - Ödeme - Ohrenentzündung - Phlegmone - Räude - Schale - Schilddrüsenunterfunktion - Schlundverstopfung - Schivering-Syndrom - Sehnenschäden - Sommerekzem - Spat - Speichelsteine - Strahlfäule - Tetanus - Tränen-Nasen-Kanal-Blockade - Überbeine - Vergiftungen - Verhakte Kniescheibe - Warzen - West-Nil-Fieber - White Line Disease - Wildes Fleisch - Wundversorgung - Zahnprobleme - Zungenverletzungen - Zwerchfellbruch usw.